
A Journey Through Her Life And Legacy

Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net encompasses a comprehensive overview of the late actress Teresa Graves's personal and professional life.

Such queries often arise from public curiosity and the desire to learn more about celebrities. These searches provide insights into a person's life, career, and personal milestones, such as age, height, relationship status, and net worth.

In this article, we delve into the captivating life of Teresa Graves, exploring her biography, age at the time of her passing, height, marital history, and estimated net worth.

Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net

Understanding the essential aspects of Teresa Graves's biography, age, height, husband, and net worth provides a comprehensive insight into her life and career. These key elements contribute to the overall portrayal of her as a person and public figure.

  • Birth Name: Teresa Graves
  • Birthdate: January 10, 1948
  • Place of Birth: Houston, Texas, U.S.
  • Death: October 10, 2002 (at age 54)
  • Height: 5 ft 5 in (1.65 m)
  • Marital Status: Married to William DuPree (1977-1983)
  • Occupation: Actress, Singer
  • Years Active: 1967-2002
  • Net Worth: Estimated $1 million (at the time of her death)

Teresa Graves's life and career were marked by her talent, determination, and personal struggles. Her success as an actress and singer, coupled with her untimely death, left a lasting impression on the entertainment industry and her fans.

Birth Name

Teresa Graves's birth name holds significant importance in her biography, setting the foundation for her identity and personal narrative. It is the starting point from which her life story unfolds, shaping her experiences and the trajectory of her career.

  • Legal Identity: Teresa Graves's birth name serves as her legal identity, establishing her official recognition and standing in society. It is the name that appears on her birth certificate, legal documents, and other official records.
  • Personal Identity: Beyond its legal significance, Teresa Graves's birth name carries personal meaning, representing her sense of self and individuality. It is the name that she has known herself by since birth, shaping her self-perception and how she relates to others.
  • Stage Name: While Teresa Graves achieved fame under her birth name, she also used the stage name "Teresa Noelle" at various points in her career. This stage name allowed her to create a distinct public persona and separate her professional life from her personal life.
  • Cultural Significance: Teresa Graves's birth name reflects her African American heritage and cultural background. Her first name, Teresa, is of Spanish origin, while her last name, Graves, is a common surname among African Americans in the United States.

In conclusion, Teresa Graves's birth name is a multifaceted aspect of her biography, encompassing her legal identity, personal identity, stage name, and cultural heritage. It serves as a starting point for understanding her life story and the various dimensions of her identity.


Within the comprehensive account of Teresa Graves's life and legacy encapsulated in "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net," her birthdate of January 10, 1948 holds particular significance, shaping various aspects of her personal and professional journey.

  • Chronological Anchor: January 10, 1948, serves as a fixed point in time, marking Teresa Graves's entry into the world and establishing the timeline for her life events. It provides a reference point for understanding her age at different stages of her career and personal milestones.
  • Astrological Profile: Based on her birthdate, Teresa Graves's zodiac sign is Capricorn, which is associated with certain personality traits and characteristics. While astrology's validity may vary, it can provide insights into her potential strengths, weaknesses, and life path.
  • Cultural Context: The year 1948 was a significant period marked by social and cultural changes, including the post-World War II era and the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. These events shaped the backdrop of Teresa Graves's childhood and adolescence, potentially influencing her perspectives and experiences.
  • Historical Events: January 10, 1948, coincided with several notable historical events, such as the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi and the establishment of the State of Israel. These events provide a broader historical context for understanding the world into which Teresa Graves was born.

Collectively, these facets of Teresa Graves's birthdate contribute to a richer understanding of her biography. They provide chronological markers, astrological insights, cultural context, and historical connections that enhance the exploration of her life and career.

Place of Birth

The exploration of "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net" is intricately connected to her place of birth, Houston, Texas, U.S. This seemingly simple piece of information holds profound implications for understanding her life and career.

Firstly, Houston, as the birthplace of Teresa Graves, shaped her formative years and cultural identity. Growing up in the vibrant and diverse city exposed her to different perspectives, music, and artistic influences that would later manifest in her performances. Moreover, the city's rich musical heritage, particularly in genres like blues and jazz, left an enduring mark on her artistic sensibilities.

Furthermore, being born in Houston provided Teresa Graves with opportunities that might not have been available elsewhere. The city's thriving entertainment scene and proximity to Hollywood offered her a platform to showcase her talents and pursue her acting aspirations. Her upbringing in Houston laid the groundwork for her eventual success in the entertainment industry.

In conclusion, understanding the connection between "Place of Birth: Houston, Texas, U.S." and "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net" reveals the significant role that one's birthplace plays in shaping their life trajectory. It highlights the influence of cultural context, artistic influences, and available opportunities on an individual's personal and professional growth.


In the exploration of "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net," the aspect of "Death: October 10, 2002 (at age 54)" holds profound significance, marking the end of her life and leaving a lasting impact on her legacy.

  • Closure of a Chapter: Teresa Graves's death brought closure to her life's journey, ending her personal and professional endeavors. It marked a turning point for her family, friends, and fans, who mourned her loss.
  • Legacy and Impact: Despite her relatively short life, Teresa Graves left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. Her performances and contributions continue to inspire and entertain audiences, showcasing her talent and dedication to her craft.
  • Unfulfilled Potential: Teresa Graves's untimely passing cut short her promising career and prevented her from fully realizing her potential. Her death left a void in the entertainment industry and among her fans, who wondered what could have been.
  • Medical Context: The circumstances surrounding Teresa Graves's death, including the cause and contributing factors, provide insights into her health and well-being. It highlights the importance of health and medical care in the context of a person's life and career.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Death: October 10, 2002 (at age 54)" within "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net" serves as a poignant reminder of the finite nature of life and the lasting impact that individuals can have despite their time on Earth. It highlights the importance of cherishing our loved ones, pursuing our passions, and leaving a legacy that transcends our physical presence.


Within the comprehensive exploration of "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net," the aspect of "Height: 5 ft 5 in (1.65 m)" holds relevance as a defining physical characteristic that influenced Teresa Graves's life and career.

  • Physical Appearance: Teresa Graves's height contributed to her overall physical appearance and stage presence. It played a role in the types of roles she was offered and how she was perceived by audiences.
  • Health and Fitness: Height can be an indicator of overall health and fitness. In Teresa Graves's case, her height may have influenced her physical capabilities and the activities she could engage in.
  • Social and Cultural Context: Height can hold social and cultural significance. In some cultures, certain heights may be associated with specific attributes or stereotypes.
  • Self-Perception and Confidence: Height can influence an individual's self-perception and confidence. For Teresa Graves, her height may have played a role in her self-esteem and how she carried herself.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Height: 5 ft 5 in (1.65 m)" within "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net" provides insights into her physical characteristics, potential health implications, and the social and cultural context surrounding her height. It highlights how this physical attribute intersected with her personal life, career opportunities, and overall self-perception.

Marital Status

The aspect of "Marital Status: Married to William DuPree (1977-1983)" in "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net" offers insights into her personal life and relationships, expanding the understanding of her overall story.

Teresa Graves's marriage to William DuPree from 1977 to 1983 was a significant event in her life. It brought about changes in her personal circumstances, daily routine, and emotional well-being. The marriage provided her with companionship, support, and potentially influenced her career decisions and life experiences.

Moreover, understanding the context of their marriage, such as the reasons behind their union, any public attention or scrutiny it garnered, and its impact on Teresa Graves's public image, can provide valuable insights into the social and cultural norms of the time. It can also shed light on the challenges and expectations faced by married women in the entertainment industry during that era.

In conclusion, the exploration of "Marital Status: Married to William DuPree (1977-1983)" within "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net" enhances the reader's understanding of Teresa Graves as an individual, her personal journey, and the societal context surrounding her marriage. It contributes to a comprehensive and informative account of her life and legacy.


The exploration of "Occupation: Actress, Singer" within the context of "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net" provides valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of Teresa Graves's life and career. Her professional pursuits as an actress and singer significantly shaped her personal experiences, public image, and overall legacy.

Teresa Graves's talent and dedication as an actress and singer opened doors to opportunities, recognition, and personal fulfillment. Her performances showcased her versatility, charisma, and ability to connect with audiences on a deep level. Through her work in film, television, and music, she entertained, inspired, and left a lasting impression on the entertainment industry.

Moreover, her occupation as an actress and singer influenced her personal life and relationships. The demands of her career required sacrifices, travel, and time away from loved ones. It also exposed her to public scrutiny, which could impact her emotional well-being and personal choices. Understanding the interplay between her professional and personal spheres provides a comprehensive view of Teresa Graves as an individual.

In conclusion, the examination of "Occupation: Actress, Singer" in relation to "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net" highlights the profound impact of her career on her life experiences, public perception, and personal growth. It demonstrates how her professional pursuits were intricately intertwined with her personal journey, shaping her legacy as an accomplished artist and a resilient individual.

Years Active

The span of years that Teresa Graves was active in the entertainment industry, from 1967 to 2002, holds significant relevance in understanding her biography and overall life narrative. This period of time encompasses the duration of her professional career, during which she made notable contributions as an actress and singer.

Her years of activity directly shaped her professional achievements, including her filmography, discography, and public recognition. The roles she played, the songs she recorded, and the performances she delivered during this time shaped her legacy and left a lasting impact on the entertainment industry. By examining her years of activity, we gain insights into her artistic journey, her creative process, and her evolution as an artist.

Furthermore, understanding the duration of her career provides context for her personal and professional milestones. Her marriage, the birth of her children, and her various life experiences intersected with her professional endeavors, influencing her choices and shaping her overall life story. By exploring the connection between her years of activity and her biography, we gain a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of Teresa Graves as an individual.

In conclusion, "Years Active: 1967-2002" is a critical component of "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net" as it offers valuable insights into her professional trajectory, artistic contributions, and the interplay between her career and personal life. This examination allows us to appreciate the full scope of her accomplishments, understand her growth and evolution as an artist, and gain a deeper appreciation for her enduring legacy in the entertainment industry.

Net Worth

Within the comprehensive exploration of "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net," the aspect of "Net Worth: Estimated $1 million (at the time of her death)" offers valuable insights into her financial status and its implications for her life and career.

  • Income Sources: Teresa Graves's net worth was primarily accumulated through her successful career as an actress and singer. Her earnings from film, television, music, and other ventures contributed to her financial stability.
  • Assets: The estimated net worth includes the value of Teresa Graves's assets, such as real estate, investments, and personal belongings. These assets provide financial security and contribute to her overall wealth.
  • Expenses: Teresa Graves's net worth is also influenced by her expenses, including living costs, taxes, and other financial obligations. Understanding her expenses sheds light on her lifestyle and financial management.
  • Legacy: While Teresa Graves's net worth provides an indication of her financial success, her legacy extends beyond monetary value. Her contributions to the entertainment industry and her impact on audiences are invaluable and continue to inspire.

In conclusion, examining "Net Worth: Estimated $1 million (at the time of her death)" within the context of "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net" offers insights into her financial stability, assets, expenses, and legacy. It highlights the interplay between her professional success, financial management, and overall well-being, providing a more comprehensive understanding of her life and career.

The examination of "Teresa Graves Biography Age Height Husband Net" has provided multifaceted insights into the life and career of this remarkable actress and singer. By exploring the interconnected aspects of her biography, we gain a deeper appreciation for her talent, resilience, and enduring legacy in the entertainment industry.

Teresa Graves's life journey serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and the pursuit of dreams. Despite facing challenges, she achieved significant success through her dedication to her craft. Her story inspires us to embrace our passions and work tirelessly towards our goals. Furthermore, her legacy reminds us of the importance of representation and diversity in the entertainment industry, paving the way for future generations of artists to showcase their talents.

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Almeda Bohannan

Update: 2024-05-03